Friday, September 28, 2007

Well hey there pretty lady

Recently my sister and I became obsessed with all things Amanda Bynes, especially her brilliant movie "She's the Man." I am not ashamed to say that we probably watched it at least 2-3 times a week this summer. (ok ok that may or may-not have been an exaggeration). Anyways, this movie is unrealistic, it's cheesy, it's pointless and it's completely random. I love it! My sister and I love it so much that this summer we made our brother watch it too. In the past Ryan has told me that I am a bit of a mystery to him. After watching "She's the Man" he told me that he thinks he understands me a little better now. I'm not exactly sure what that means, or what that says about me, but I'm pretty happy about it non-the less. Basically, I think all people everywhere should be exposed to this timeless masterpiece in film. Hey! remember..."debutants chew like they have a secret."