Sunday, October 7, 2007

In the summer time and the weather is nice...

I suppose I should stop living in the past but... THAT'S WHEN ALL THE GOOD STUFF HAPPENED! Well, at least this summer anyways. This past summer I went home for the first time in a long time and I loved it. I got to spend time with my fam. and friends who mean the world to me. There were a few major (and minor) events that occurred, and I believe they are worth mentioning.

On Aug 24th Katie got married. Wow! She's married! How wonderful. It was so fun to be a part of her wedding and to spend some quality time together before the big day. The week before her wedding me, Katie, Erin and Joy went to the beach and spent a few days being lazy, reading, chit-chatting, and playing games. (Katie is very proud of me because I learned at least 4 new games that week- something I don't do often.) Katie and Robbie are great together and it was so fun to be there for their wedding! Congrats Kimmels!!!

Take out the old and bring in the new! Mom and dad finally decided to get a new kids car. This decision was actually sort of made for them as the blue box finally died for good. Please, a moment of silence in memory of our devoted friend and companion for so many years. We will miss the blue box but we know that she has gone on to a better place.... like U-pull it. There she can be scrapped and torn apart for various parts. Anyways, in true Freeman fashion the "new" car purchased is something to be admired. The Freeman's are now the proud owners of a 1984 Toyota celica. She is a bit old (as old as me actually) but we lover her. I enjoyed taking her out on the town while I was still at home.

Life's a Beach! (Oh man! I AM my fathers daughter!-- sorry about the bad pun). So this summer I pretty much lived at the beach. I love spending time at the ocean. There is nothing that reminds me I am home more than trips to the beach.

Beach trip #1 was with Dawn and Hayden. Hayden ate a lot of sand, we had a good time, and then we went to eat at Moe's.

Here is a pic of Hayden and "Aunt Red" catching up on the latest gossip.

Here is Dawn just being such a cute mom. Look at her! She is such a mom! She even has the mom holding a kids hand while posing for a picture and overall just looking gorgeous thing going on. I love watching her take care of Hayden because she is so good at it. (Love burst!)

I also went to the beach with the fam for a week or so. Ryan, Kristee and Luke were there and it was a blast. I loved hiking up the dune and taking some pretty sweet pics. I spent a lot of time with my siblings this summer and had a really good time. I miss them! Austin thinks he's taller then me. I think he is not. .... I may or may not be in denial. Anyways, in this pic he was most assuredly trying to be taller than me.

Hey Look! It's Peter Pan... or just Austin. "went fishing"? Ok so we bought the fish, but it was still so fresh and good. " Hey there big tuna" -Andy, The Office.

Luke turned 2 while we were at the beach. I love him! As far as birthday cake goes I think the motto "go big or go home" is appropriate. Dig in Luke!
Some sweet beach pics that I took. -- I love my new camera!

~Not that you would be able to tell from this picture but Dawn, Me and Nikki went to a Josh Gracin concert. We had a great time rock'n out on the front row. Dawn had to fight off some obnoxious "stupid prom date" look-alike to make sure he didn't steal the drum stick that was so clearly thrown in her direction (and which she caught with great ease by-the-way). After the concert we enjoyed our drive home, especially when we made a quick stop at a hotel for directions. We took some fun pictures in the hotel but.... we were practicing our ugly faces so... I wont post them.

What?! That's not Josh Gracin, that's Kieth Urban!!! Why is Kieth Urban at our Josh Gracin concert? They must be close friends I think.

Also, at the concert I got thrown in jail. .... or just an ATM with bars that reminded me of a jail.

Colby and I went to a GREAT concert! The Format was headlining the tour. Steel Train played as well as Limbeck, Reubens Accomplice and a few others. I love this picture because everyone is making a face but me, including that stranger in the background. Usually it's the other way around!All in all, this summer was great. I loved being home, seeing my fam, and going on adventures with friends. What a bunch of great memories and can't wait to
make some more!


LaRance family said...

Thanks for the summer flash back. Good times. I still get the winning face when I imagine myself ripping that drum stick from that guy. Go me! And I love that first wedding picture you have up, very good photograghy.