Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The wheels on the bus... are really cheap!

So recently I have decided that I am going to be purchasing a car. Yes!!!!!! It’s going to be great to have some killer wheels to get around town in. I'm thinking I won't buy a car till spring, but I keep looking on craigslist- probably because I'm just so excited about the idea of it all. So the other day as I was checking the updates on craigslist I noticed something a bit odd. First I should tell you that when I look on craigslist I usually just scan the price listed on the right of the page and then look at the car's description. This way I won't feel any pangs of desire for a car I know I can't afford. Usually I at least look at the description of the car before I click on it for more details, but for some reason with this... um... vehicle, I didn't. - I just clicked on it. To my delight, I found something that gave me the biggest winning face! What was it you ask? No, it was not the car of my dreams priced reasonably and well within my budget. Rather, to my great joy, I found a BIG. YELLOW. BUS! Yes my friends, for only $1200 you too can own your very own 1989 GMC school bus, which by the way is "well maintained and in great condition." Apparently, the man selling the big yellow school bus had priced it so cheap because he was looking for a quick sale. He may or may not have mentioned that his wife was extremely unhappy that he bought it in the first place. :)


Anonymous said...

Please buy the bus. I'll pitch in a hundred dollars if you do.

Bex said...

Dawn, I thought about it- but gas money would just be such a pain!

Anonymous said...

I guess your right. And you would probably have to do all the driving cus you have the room to fit everyone...well if we had a lot of friends.

Bex said...

can you even imagine parking that thing?!... or taking it through the drive through?! Plus, I don't have enough friends to fill a bus.

Shaun said...

Once I knew a couple who lived in a bus. They parked it on the sandy beach in Hawaii.
Just an option for you, in case your "other" plans don't work out.